Are You Ready To Begin A Family Cribbage Tradition?
The annual family vacation, weekends at the cottage, holiday get-togethers, grandpas birthday… For many, cribbage is played only when family gatherings occur. This may be limiting to your enjoyment of the game, but it also allows for each interaction to become an experience to look forward to. A tradition.
As with many table games these days, the cribbage board is only dusted off when human interaction is inevitable. In actuality the simple presence of a cribbage board can spawn that interaction, but that’s for another post.
Cribbage is a game that can be played casually over a cup of coffee while sharing family stories, or it can be turned into a no holds barred family competition. A round robin tournament can be held with even a single board. If you really want to get things going have two or three boards ready for your next family function. Many bonds between parents and their children, nephews and nieces, grandfathers and granddaughters, and extended family alike have been forged over the cribbage board.

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There’s nothing so special as to play the game on a board that has been for years passed down through the family. Equally as enjoyable is to know that your relatives are looking forward to their visit with you, because they know there will be a cribbage competition. You can easily and inexpensively purchase a few basics boards to put in play for a family competition with the winners moving on to play on an oversize or uber-cool board at the end of it.
Below is a selection of several very basic, but affordable boards to get you going. If you are interested in something a bit more of an heirloom quality then check out – Our Picks at Top 5 Cribbage Boards.