Here is a nice example of a 1960’s Pleasantime, two lane continuous track cribbage board board. This board was found with original box, and wooden pegs at a Goodwill Store location in “2005”. The price was seventy five cents. With the rising interest in cribbage board collecting this was an excellent buy.
You can get good deals for the Pleasantime and other Vintage Cribbage Boards For Sale at
The board shown in the photo is in its original box with original wooden pegs. This item manufactured in “1967” copyrighted “1963” was found without the instruction sheet; original instructions are an added bonus. Unless a board is very rare, or quite old having the original box or instruction will generally affect the value by only a few dollars. The highlights of this item are the excellent condition of both the board. and the box.
This is a prime example of a type of board found in many modern cribbage board collections. Although it is not an extremely unique cribbage board, it makes for a great conversation piece due to the condition, and age.
There is something nostalgic, and satisfying about playing cribbage on a vintage board. One more reason to begin a cribbage board collection today.
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