Many Cribbage Board collectors will develop niche collections based on a variety of specific criteria, or you can begin your collection by simply collecting any style of crib board or crib accessory you come across until you are able to narrow down your area of interest.
–Drueke Cribbage Boards
–Hardwood Cribbage Boards
–29 Cribbage Boards
–Unique Cribbage Boards
Some collections are based on geographic location; this could mean based on where the boards are found or where they were made. Whether it’s boards collected only from the U.S. or the U.K or it’s a collection of antique pegging slabs found in each city or country visited on a long trip. The basis of your collection can be very general, very unique or quite specific to you.
A few other common types of collections could include: antique cribbage boards, aluminum boards, collections that consist of small wooden folding boards, boards that can house the cards and pegs, and there are even collections that consist entirely of the stylized and wellknown, “29 Cribbage Game Board”.
Cribbage game board collecting can become very serious very quickly or it can remain an inexpensive pastime. An affordable way to begin your collection is to set a lower dollar amount as the most you will pay for a cribbage board or item for your collection and make a game of it by purchasing any board you come across at a sale, auction or thrift shop as long as it can be had at a certain price or below and once you have a certain number of boards in your collection you can then focus on trading selling and upgrading the items maintaining the same number of cribbage boards to display.
One of the wonderful things about crib board collecting is that the boards display so well. Most cribbage boards are of an easy to handle size and can be displayed on pedestals, easels, mounted on walls or shown in fine display cases. The last note on collecting cribbage boards is to remember it’s your collection and there is no right or wrong. Collect cribbage game boards, cards and pegs that you enjoy. Author: Win Linder ; Cribbage Amateur and Board Collecting Enhtusiast.
–Drueke Cribbage Boards
–Hardwood Cribbage Boards
–29 Cribbage Boards
–Unique Cribbage Boards
Cribbage Board Collectors Society– Founded “1991”
Some of the Nations top collectors and authorities on Cribbage Board Collecting will be found at the Cribbage Board Collectors Society annual conventions. You can get more information and discover how to join this group by visiting: